June Book Haul

This is a fairly short post because I showed REMARKABLE restraint this month with ARC requests.  My stacks of backlist books have been making me feel incredibly guilty, so I’ve managed to restrict myself to those that I am most excited about.  Hopefully this will give me more time in the future to tackle all the books I’ve bought and haven’t read in my #BacklogofDOOM.  Of course, the Kindle Daily Deal is always here to add more books to my TBR stack – every single purchase this month came from one of those tempting offers!

Interested in reading any of these yourselves?  Covers link to Goodreads!


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POLARIS RISING by Jessie Mihalik
I saw a lot of good things about this space opera romance, so it was an easy decision to purchase when it was a Kindle Daily Deal!  With a little luck, I might be able to read this ahead of the sequel’s release in the fall!  A princess on the run from an arranged marriage is finally caught and thrown in the same cell as a notorious rebellion leader.  But when the ship holding them is attacked, the two form an alliance to escape.

THE BLADE ITSELF by Joe Abercrombie
One of the biggest holes in my SFF street cred is that I have not yet read THE FIRST LAW series, which has been floating around since 2006.  I’m always a bit iffy on how I’m going to react to grimdark, but with book one listed as a Kindle Daily Deal, I decided it was time to get one step closer to actually reading the series by putting a copy in my library.

THE KINGS OF THE WYLD by Nicholas Eames
So recently I wrote a list of Top Five Series I Need to Read, and as fate would have it, the day that post went live, KINGS OF THE WYLD, which was on the list, was a Kindle Daily Deal.  The universe was shouting very loudly at me to read this series (and so were multiple people I respect) so it now sits in my digital shelf!


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SOUL OF THE SWORD by Julie Kagawa
SHADOW OF THE FOX was high on my TBR when it was released in November 2018, so when I saw the opportunity to request the sequel several months ago, I didn’t hesitate, figuring I would have pleeenty of time to schedule a read of SHADOW OF THE FOX.  Weeks went by and I lost hope…and then the approval came through three weeks before release! Thankfully, I really enjoyed SHADOW, so prioritizing SOUL OF THE SWORD is an easy decision.

This YA sci-fi space opera was a delightful find in 2018. I really enjoyed the blend of gods and spaceships, and the ending broke my heart.  Seeing the sequel in the “Read Now” section of NetGalley, I decided this would be an easy addition to my TBR stack!

9 thoughts on “June Book Haul

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  1. Polaris Rising was so good! Its unapologetically romance in addition to kick ass space opera, so just know that going in. And I’ve gushed about Kings of the Wyld and Bloody Rose a lot, and I just know you’ll love them😁

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