Most Anticipated: Summer 2024 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Releases

Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes a MONUMENTAL release slate of sci-fi/fantasy books. Seriously, there is a book for every vibe and occasion releasing in the next few months. Space opera? Check. Fantasy heist? Check. Vampires? Check. Standalones? Check. Trilogy finales? Check. Novellas? Check. I could go on, but instead, let's... Continue Reading →

Most Anticipated: Spring 2024 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Releases

Welcome to my Most Anticipated Books for Spring 2024! This year continues to be an overwhelming feast of good looking releases, which has made it an absolutely daunting task to keep up with it all. I picked nine books for April alone and I know that's not everything releasing that month! But let's dive in... Continue Reading →

Most Anticipated SFF Releases: May 2022

And now we're heading into the thick of early summer release season! We've got some amazing looking things coming out, whether you're looking for high adventure or supernatural thriller. So let's get to it, shall we? If anything catches your eye, all covers link to Goodreads!    THE STARDUST THIEF by Chelsea Abdullah Release Date:... Continue Reading →

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