10 Years, 10 Favorite Books

There was a meme going around BookTok recently of people trying to pick (or even remember) their favorite books over the last ten years. A glance at my Goodreads stats told me I could juuuust pull this off, with entries going back as far as 2012.

So after a perusal of what books I logged (things get a little fuzzy a decade ago when I wasn’t as dedicated to Goodreads), here are my picks for favorite read of each year! Note that I said FAVORITE. These are the books that have stuck with me over the years; in a couple instances, I chose a four star read over a five star because it has made a larger impression on me over time. And of course, in the years where I’ve read more books, it was harder and harder to choose a single book. Ask me to make this list again in a week, and I might have different answers.

One last note, these were my favorite reads in the year I read them, not necessarily in the release year.

So here we go! Ten years, ten favorite books.








The Winter of the Witch




The Mask of Mirrors

22 thoughts on “10 Years, 10 Favorite Books

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  1. This is fun! I did a best of the decade a couple of years ago except I picked five books for each year, which was easier, but this is a fantastic list. Especially Jade City and City of Blades😁


    1. Pre-2015 starts to get sketchier because I wasn’t using the site regularly, so it’s entirely possible there were other books I read those years that I have since forgotten. But the picks I had available worked fine for me!

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  2. Ooh, this is a fun challenge, but I doubt I would remember my favorites from 5+ years ago (and my reading taste has changed so much since then that I don’t know if I’d want to admit to my favorites over the years, hahaha). I just started Goodreads in 2020 and switched to the StoryGraph since then so my reading logs are all over the place. I only use Goodreads to log books when I have a review to write now.

    Jade City is a great choice! It was one of my favorites last year. I also loved Mistborn, but I never got past the second book in the series.

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  3. Wow, very cool that you’re able to go that far back. I don’t even remember what I was reading 10 years ago except that I wasn’t reading very much. Was that maybe around the time The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo books got popular? I remember reading those. And Game of Thrones sometime in the last 10 years. Good to see Katherine Arden on here…I’m excited about starting the trilogy at some point.

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