Weekly Reading Update: 06/09/24

Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: THE GOD AND THE GUMIHO by Sophie Kim and OATHBRINGER by Brandon Sanderson
Yes, I’m still reading this contemporary fantasy and the reason for that is LIFE CHANGES (more on that below). Thankfully, given everything going on, my ARC of THE GOD AND THE GUMIHO is a pretty easy read. The two main characters are delightful, even with some morally grey quirks like not thinking devouring a human soul is a bad thing. The quick synopsis? A trickster god and a human-form nine-tailed fox (gumiho) team up to stop a demon that’s on a killing streak in a small town in Korea. I’ve got about 25% to go, but at the moment, I’d say that this is a solid fine read but not AMAZING. If you have a love for MCU Loki, however, this might be worth picking up.

OATHBRINGER Audiobook Reread Progress: 63%. Hahahahaha, yeeeeeah audiobook reading did not happen this week.

Recently Finished: N/A – Life Update
This week I started a new job! It’s overall great news, but is resulting in some lifestyle changes. For one, I no longer work from home but go into an office, which means I’m losing a little more of my day to a commute and a stricter schedule where I can’t carve out a half hour in the middle of my day to work on book stuff. And because this job is brand new, my brain has been MUSH when I get home, so reading hasn’t really happen. I’m expecting I’ll probably be like this for another week or two and trying to be gentle to myself as I adapt, so posting might be a little more infrequent than usual, we shall see!

Probable Next Read: THE SKY ON FIRE by Jenn Lyons or THE ASHES AND THE STAR-CURSED KING by Carissa Broadbent
Well I was bound and determined to start THE SKY ON FIRE next, but given how mushy my brain has been, I might pivot to the conclusion of a vampire romance duology instead, as that seems about what my brain can handle this week. But if I recover by the time I finish my other read, who knows!

12 thoughts on “Weekly Reading Update: 06/09/24

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  1. Congrats on the new job! Super exciting, although I’m not sure I could pivot from working at home to going into the office every day. Good luck with your reading😁

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  2. Congratulations on the new job!! Changes are always hard so being gentle to yourself is always the best thing!
    I am glad you are enjoying The God and The Gumiho! I really enjoyed that one, it was like reading a K-drama instead of watching it!

    Liked by 1 person

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