Halfway There: How My Year in Books is Going in 2020!

We've entered the month of June, and so I thought now would be a good time to sit down and see how things are going with my reading this year!  Obviously comparing reading years is a bit of apples and oranges, since you never know what life is going to throw at you (like, say,... Continue Reading →

The Guard Was Female: Extending Gender Representation Beyond Your Main Characters

So you've finished writing your next novel, and you've done great work making a complex female lead.  Or maybe you have a band of adventures, and were very conscious to make it a 50/50 split, or maybe even decided to have more women than men! You've succeeded at passing the Bechdel test and are ready... Continue Reading →

One Year Blogaversary!!

I am honestly shocked to be writing this post.  I've been blogging continuously for a full year!  While Realms of My Mind was founded a few years ago, I had no real aim or focus and fell off after a handful of posts.  But on August 23rd of 2018, I posted my first book review... Continue Reading →

Mini-Hiatus Announcement

Hello all!  Hope everyone's summers are going well!  Beginning today, I'll be going on a (hopefully very brief) mini-hiatus from blogging.  The reason? I'm having arm surgery tomorrow and as you may imagine, it's very hard to type with only one hand. Without getting too much into it, I have a compressed nerve in my... Continue Reading →

Sunshine Blogger Award

  Thanks to Red Metal for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award Challenge!  This meme poses some questions to me, and allows me to pose questions to others! Rules The rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award are: Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog Answer the 11 questions they ask... Continue Reading →

Nerdy About Books: Organizing Goodreads

Like any good reader, I have a Goodreads account for tracking my many, many books.  It's helpful for organizing my reading, and today I want to know: what custom shelves or tags do you have? Besides the standard "Read," "Currently Reading," and "Want to Read," I have the following shelves/tags: Reading Queue: This is my most... Continue Reading →

Welcome to Me

Fact: I have a tendency to speak at length about things I love.  My need to share my enthusiasm is a barely contained fountain waiting to gush all over the next person who walks into the room.  I try to wait for someone who watches the same show, reads the same book, saw the same movie,... Continue Reading →

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