Monthly Reading Wrap-Up: April 2024

I said April was going to be the month of the Chaos TBR, and it certainly lived up to the name! While I planned to read an equal amount of backlist and new releases, panic about my ARC pile set in and I ended up doing a flurry of reading to try and clear out... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2023

June was a bit of a haphazard month for reading. I tried to knock some ARCs out with plans to have a more ARC-free reading month in July, and I was...mediumly successful on that front. After five months of being on top of things, I've officially fallen behind on my ARC pile. It was a... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2023

Wow, what a month! I managed to knock out EIGHT books, though I was helped along by two novellas and being mostly finished on a bigger book when the month began. Either way, I'm proud of the way I've been reading lately, and I'll stay on this wave as long as I can! I'm also... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2022

Short month, but still jam-packed with great reads! I had an overly ambitious TBR of seven books, but I'm proud to say I read five and started a sixth! As you can see below, it was a solid month of 4 star reads across the board, though they are WILDLY different books. I also had... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: January 2022

2022 is off to a great start! (At least when it comes to reading.) I made some amazing series progress (more below) and am set up to finish some series next month! More impressively for me, I had two posts do some really great traffic this month. In one, I examined my time this year... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: November 2021

Wow, I thought October was going to be an unusual spike in my reading activity, but here we are at the end of November with a whopping EIGHT books read! Not only that, but three of those books were rereads, which is simply unheard of for me lately. I can definitely attribute some of my... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: October 2021

This was an impressive month for reading, as I read a full six books and started a seventh! That included the massive EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE, which I simply devoured despite it's impressive 700+ page size. Next month is going to be more sci-fi heavy than usual (I hope) as SciFi Month is upon us!... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap Up: September 2021

Wow, September was a great month for reading! I got through 6 books (helped along by two of them being novellas), including a rare reread, a series finale, and TWO self-published books! I've also realized that my book acquistion, including ARCs has slowed to a trickle; I went to write my monthly book haul post... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: August 2021

It's the end of summer, and I'm going out on a high note! While I read fewer books than my crazy July sprint (which was helped a lot by a vacation), I did knock out two chunky 600 page tomes, so I still feel pretty proud of myself. I did not actually finish a self-published... Continue Reading →

Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2021

Welcome back to my monthly wrap-up! I skipped a recap for June, as I was set to leave town at the beginning of July and just had too much to do to pull this post together. But I'm back and full of all kinds of exciting updates with my reading! I spent just over a... Continue Reading →

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