Weekly Reading Update: 06/16/24

Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: THE FAITHLESS HAWK by Margaret Owen and OATHBRINGER by Brandon Sanderson
Welcome to the summer of mood reading. While I meant to pick up an ARC next, I decided my brain needed something easier and went with a YA read instead. THE FAITHLESS HAWK will finish a duology, which is a nice box to check in the meantime! I’m really enjoying this sequel, which sees Fie infiltrating the royal palace to disrupt a coronation and ferret out royal secrets before a political faction seizes enough power to see Fie’s people exterminated once and for all. And while I thought I knew how some storylines were going to play out, I’m going into the final hundred pages with some uncertainty about how accurate my guesses were. Kind of exciting!

OATHBRINGER Audiobook Reread Progress: 70%. Starting to pick away at this a little more steadily, in part because of my commute. My commute isn’t super long, but hey, it gets me at least 20 minutes progress on finishing this bad boy. In a dream world, I’ll finish by June….we’ll see if that happens!

Recently Finished: THE GOD AND THE GUMIHO by Sophie Kim
Finished this contemporary fantasy, which was a fun little adventure with some great lead characters. It’s equal parts mystery and romance, as a trickster god and a gumiho with a secret past team up to track down a demon that has taken a human host and is out killing mortals and magical folk alike in a city in Korea. While I wish the mystery had been executed a little better, I still enjoyed it! You can read more thoughts on THE GOD AND THE GUMIHO at the link.

Probable Next Read: ???
As I said, I’m embracing the summer of mood reading. With my ARC pile wildly out of control and my actual reading time not as big as it once was, I’m just taking things one book at a time and seeing where my interests take me. I’d love to read THE SKY ON FIRE next, but that will entirely depend on how I’m feeling this weekend!

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