Weekly Reading Update: 06/23/24

Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: THE SKY ON FIRE by Jenn Lyons and OATHBRINGER by Brandon Sanderson
Finally picking up a highly anticipated ARC! This is about a group of people doing a heist of a dragon horde in a city run by dragons. And despite highly anticipating it, I’m actually not a bit surprised that my feelings are all over the place on this one, given how I was equally all over the place with her previous series. I can definitely feel the review bubbling in my veins. Highlights: Great premise, great action; weaknesses: characters, and the wish I had that the author spent more time diving into certain parts of the world. I’ve got a hundred pages left and I am SO curious where I will ultimately end up on this. Stay tuned for further thoughts.

OATHBRINGER Audiobook Reread: 75%! Look at that! 3/4 done! There are having perks to having a commute after all, as I’ve been able to chip away at this little by little. While I probably won’t finish by June, I’ll DEFINITELY have this finished by July at the latest.

Recently Finished Reading: THE FAITHLESS HAWK by Margaret Owen
This was a really solid fun time and I definitely recommend this duology. It’s not AS good as LITTLE THIEVES by the same author, but it’s worth a read on its own merits. While there was one storyline I found myself groaning a bit over, it was more because I’ve read too many books to buy into one aspect of the story, BUT it did pay off nicely in the end, so I couldn’t be too mad at it. Hoping to find time to write up an actual review on this one, but I do love Fie as a character, this fiercely protective character who has finally had enough of the world the way it is.

Probable Next Read: THE HUNTER’S GAMBIT by Ciel Pierlot
Keeping both the ARC train and the standalone train alive with my ARC of THE HUNTER’S GAMBIT! This is supposed to be a locked-room style escape adventure where a woman who makes weapons is kidnapped by vampires and taken to an estate where she’s made their puppet queen during their three day festival. The vampires will then conclude the festival by eating her. Cue the need to escape in three days using whatever means – or allies – necessary to escape.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Reading Update: 06/23/24

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  1. Well done on making progress with Oathbreaker. I was excited to see that the final volume of this part of the series will be out at the end of the year. I look forward to hearing what you think about The Sky on Fire. I was a bit meh about some of it.

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