Weekly Reading Check-In: 07/10/19

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

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Currently reading: THE POPPY WAR by R. F. Kuang
I still owe reads and reviews on a couple of ARCs, but after three back-to-back books that were relatively short, I was craving something I could sink my teeth into, so I decided to go with THE POPPY WAR instead.  As I also have an eARC of its sequel, THE DRAGON REPUBLIC, sitting in my queue, I’m still staying on track!  This is definitely one of those books where I’ll sit down to read one chapter and look up three chapters later wondering where the time went.  Looking forward to sharing more thoughts soon!

Recently Finished: MEDUSA UPLOADED by Emily Devenport and THE STORM CROW by Kalyn Josephson
A holiday week meant I got some extra reading done, finishing a couple of solid, though not outstanding, books. MEDUSA UPLOADED struggled a lot in the beginning, but I came around on it by the end and I’m curious about where things go in the sequel.  THE STORM CROW (full review here) has some gorgeous writing, but there were a few characters whose motivations just left me outright confused.

Probable Next Read: ???
It’s probably going to take me the rest of the week to finish THE POPPY WAR, and then I’ll need to make some decisions, possibly mood-influenced.  Next week is San Diego Comic Con which is going to throw off my reading on multiple levels (though with lines, I always get at least SOME reading done at the con). I’m likely going to take THE GALLOWS BLACK, the novella prequel to SEVEN BLADES IN BLACK, for my primary con read, but the big decision: Is it finally time to pull the trigger on WORDS OF RADIANCE?  Although I didn’t get through as many ARCs as I wanted, I think the answer will be yes.  I may end up dual reading given the length of WOR, but we’ll see where my mood (and the con) takes me!

7 thoughts on “Weekly Reading Check-In: 07/10/19

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  1. I really need to read The Poppy War! Everyone I know seems to have such high praise for it. I actually have Medusa Uploaded on my TBR as well! Good to know it might be a slow starter…

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