July 2020 Book Haul

Sequels, sequels, everywhere! I’ve been making good this year on my pledge to stay on top of series, and that means acquiring more sequels!  That includes the long-awaited return of the DRESDEN FILES, and an ARC for the sequel to one of my favorite YA reads from 2019.  But all those sequels didn’t stop a standalone novella from sneaking into the pile.  Let’s dive in and see what we’ve got, shall we?

As always, covers link to Goodreads!


Peace Talks  Soulbinder

PEACE TALKS by Jim Butcher
I had a couple opportunities to grab an eARC of this one, but made myself wait to read until I could have a finished hard copy in my hand.  THE DRESDEN FILES was one of the first SFF series I got into as an adult, and I’ve been waiting for years for the series to continue.  It’s been so good to be back with all the characters in the DRESDEN universe, and I’m so glad I waited.

SOULBINDER by Sebastien de Castell
My Great Series Read continues!  Having finished CHARMCASTER, I picked up book four in the SPELLSLINGER series.  As mentioned before, one hang up I’ve had in the past that has stopped me from continuing series is I feel guilty buying a sequel when I have so many unread books at home.  I’m pushing through that hang up by allowing myself to get the sequels for a series I’m legitimately actively working on, and right now that’s SPELLSLINGER!  These books are just so much fun and I get through them so quickly.  It’s been great having the next one on hand for when I have a rare gap in my TBR queue.


Blood & Honey  An Unnatural Life

BLOOD & HONEY by Shelby Mahurin
One of my surprise fave reads of 2019 was SERPENT & DOVE, about a secret witch who ends up in a marriage with a witch hunter.  It’s an absurd premise the author absolutely makes work, and I’m incredibly excited I managed to get my hands on the ARC for the sequel!  What was once a standalone is now going to be a trilogy, which means more danger and fun my favorite girl Lou, and her stick-in-the-mud (but loosening up) husband Reid. If you love enemies-to-lovers tropes and a heroine who very much exists in a gray space of goodness, you need to jump into this!

I’m trying really hard to limit my ARC requests heading into the insanity of fall releases, but I found myself won over by the pitch of Murderbot meets TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.  In short, a woman is charged with being a lawyer for an AI in a murder case, when AI have only been recently granted legal rights. This is a novella, so it hopefully won’t drown me tooooo much.

And that’s what I picked up this month!  Did you acquire any favorites?


10 thoughts on “July 2020 Book Haul

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  1. Soulbinder was really good. I do prefer the Hot Key editions to the US ones, but I imagine those are hard to come by at the moment. And loved both Peace Talks! I even had to get a hard copy after I read the eARC. I hope you love it too! And the rest!

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