Weekly Reading Update: 04/28/24

Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: BLACK SUN by Rebecca Roanhorse and OATHBRINGER by Brandon Sanderson
Reread time! At long last I am FINALLY cracking open BLACK SUN to start my series reread ahead of the third and final book releasing in June. I’m only about 50 pages in at the moment, but I do love what an entrance ship navigator Xiala makes. Let’s say when she wakes up, she can’t remember which of her nightly escapades happened to land her in jail this time.

OATHBRINGER Audiobook Reread Progress: 35%. Under 30 hours to go, and starting to get to the juicy lore bits!

Recently Finished: THE ELEMENT OF FIRE by Martha Wells and A FATE INKED IN BLOOD by Danielle Jensen
I had a really fun time reading the revised edition of THE ELEMENT OF FIRE, recently published in the compendium THE BOOK OF ILE-RIEN. You can read my full review, but the TLDR is that if you a palace intrigue adventure told from the point of view of the head of the palace’s security sounds like fun, you should check this one out.

I also (mostly) enjoyed the fantasy romance A FATE INKED IN BLOOD. I thought the romance was solid, and it scratched the Viking adventure itch, full of battles and weird prophetic visions. My one big complaint is that the big twist seemed fairly obvious early on, and none of the characters were making the most basic leaps of logic in trying to figure things out. It’s one thing if I’ve I guessed at something because I’ve consumed a lot of media and I have a hunch, but here I was genuinely confused that no one even offered a theory close to the answer, the clues seemed so obvious. But if you set that aside, I did have a fun time with the rest of it, and will likely be back for the sequel.

Probable Next Read: THE SILVERBLOOD PROMISE by James Logan and/or TWO TWISTED CROWNS by Rachel Gillig
This will depend on my mood once I finish BLACK SUN, but I strongly suspect I will be starting THE SILVERBLOOD PROMISE next, as I’ve been dying to read it, and its US release is almost here! But I might also try to squeeze in TWO TWISTED CROWNS before the month of April is up, as I haven’t read a backlist sequel this month and would like to knock out one of the duologies I have unfinished.

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