2019 Anticipated Releases

Rather than my usual book pull for the month, I wanted to look ahead to 2019, and spotlight a handful of the good things that are coming this way.  This list of releases is by no means exhaustive, but is a snapshot of things I’m really looking forward to from January to June of 2019.  Take a look and tell me, what are you looking forward to?  Have anything else that should be on my list?

WINTER OF THE WITCH by Katherine Arden
Release Date: January 8th, 2019
I adore the WINTERNIGHT trilogy and I am so looking forward to the conclusion.  The eARC is in my possession and I cannot wait to share my thoughts!

Release Date: February 5th, 2019
I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this at SDCC this year, and have had the opportunity to read this massive tome.  My full review comes next year, but this was an impressive debut work!  I look forward to discussing with everyone as the release date draws near.

THE GILDED WOLVES by  Roshani Chokshi
Release Date: January 15th, 2019
I have not had the chance to check out Chokshi’s earlier work, but the excerpt for this novel that was released over at BookishFirst has me absolutely salivating for this release.  Please please PLEASE put this book of magical heists into my hands immediately!

VIGILANCE by Robert Jackson Bennett
Release Date: January 29th, 2019
I loved THE DIVINE CITIES trilogy and will be definitely be checking out this novella.  Set in the near-future, it imagines a world where reality television and mass shooting culture crash headlong into each other.  Fans of reality-adjacent speculative fiction should probably hop on this.

Release Date: February 26th, 2019
This promises to be a good meaty space opera, and the excerpt released online definitely teased out some interesting world building.  I have the ARC and am definitely looking forward to reading early next year.

Release Date: March 12th, 2019
The sequel to SORCERER TO THE CROWN, this novel is set in the same world but follows two new protagonists, sisters who awake with no memory saved that they’ve been cursed by an enchanter. To save one sister who is fading away, they must journey to England to Sorceress Royal’s academy for women and learn to navigate high society, all while untangling the secrets of their past.  Regency magic fans, this is for you.

Release Date: April 16th, 2019
Claudia Gray has been making her mark in the STAR WARS world, with three standalone books already under her belt, including a favorite of mine, BLOODLINE. This outing, Gray is tackling a tale of Qui-gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, a pairing I think needs a little more love than it gets.

STORM OF LOCUSTS by Rebecca Roanhorse
Release Date: April 23rd, 2019
After being completely taken by surprise by TRAIL OF LIGHTNING, I will not be sleeping on its sequel, especially with the uncertain state a particular character was left in. This book picks up a month later, with monster hunter Maggie once again thrust into the middle of events she’d rather stay out of.

SORCERY OF THORNS by Margaret Rogerson
Release Date: June 4th, 2019
Look, I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but there is something absolutely arresting about the cover for SORCERY OF THORNS.  It doesn’t hurt that the excerpt definitely caught my interest.  Or that the premise is a young woman who is training to be a guardian for a library full of dangerous, sentient magical books.  This novel is checking so many boxes for me that I have no choice but to eagerly await its release.

And that’s a wrap!  Again, my 2019 TBR is so much bigger than this short list, but these are the ones I’m MOST excited about.  Hope I’ve added a few things to your TBR as well!


9 thoughts on “2019 Anticipated Releases

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  1. Oh wow, what a great list! It’s like I wrote it myself, because we both want to read almost all the same books😁 I also have The Ruin of Kings (but haven’t read it yet) and I’m happy to see it getting so much buzz!

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