Weekly Reading Check-In: 07/24/19

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

    917and4pjfl  34817019  45701498  42133479  43156251  36683928

Currently Reading: WORDS OF RADIANCE by Brandon Sanderson and PHOENIX UNBOUND by Grace Draven
I took a break from WORDS OF RADIANCE over the weekend because it’s the kind of read I want to be able to sit down and focus on, which isn’t the most conducive to being a book you read in line and might have to keep putting down to move forward every ten minutes. As I’m barely 100 pages into this 1000 page book, I’ll definitely be reading it for another week.  I’m also dabbling in audiobooks again, this time with fantasy romance PHOENIX UNBOUND, which has been on my TBR for a bit.  This is the tale of woman who can control fire who finds herself blackmailed into helping a gladiator escape the pits and return home to reclaim his birthright.

Recently Finished: THE GALLOWS BLACK by Sam Sykes and WICKED FOX by Kat Cho
In between all the running around at Comic Con, there’s a lot of standing around at Comic Con.  That meant plenty of time to read in line, and I got through the entirety of the prequel novella, THE GALLOWS BLACK.  My full review is here, but the short and sweet is it’s a fun adventure for those who have already read SEVEN BLADES IN BLACK, but won’t offer much to those who haven’t.  After the con, I rode a wave of nerd energy (and a general exhaustion that prevented me from doing anything that required me to leave my bed) and powered through WICKED FOX.  Still wrapping my head around my thoughts for the review, it is almost more contemporary YA than fantasy.   This is not a knock against it,  I’m just adjusting my head to what I got instead of what I expected!  I suspect many of you are going to enjoy it, and I hope to have a full review by the end of the week.

Probable Next Read: THRAWN: TREASON by Timothy Zahn and/or SPIN THE DAWN by Elizabeth Lim
My favorite Star Wars villain is back in a new book, and I’m very likely going to drop everything in the next week or two to read this new release.  Once that’s done, I’m likely to finally get to SPIN THE DAWN, an ARC I am guilty of not reading before release!  I’m looking forward to this Mulan/Project Runway mashup!


7 thoughts on “Weekly Reading Check-In: 07/24/19

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  1. I find it almost impossible to read at Comic Con, it’s just so noisy and distracting. But that’s awesome that you actually finished something! I can’t wait to read Spin the Dawn too😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely harder to read in the book lines (especially when there are humans I want to actually talk to!) but the lines for the panels are perfect reading places for me. It helps I grew up the oldest of four, I got very adept at tuning out background noise!


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