Sci-Fi Month 2019 TBR

In just a few short weeks, it will be November!  While some may await this month so they begin holiday festivities in earnest, I’ve been waiting for a whole different reason: Sci-Fi Month!  This delightful blogging celebration is hosted by deargeekplace and imyril and encourages people to write, tweet, and generally flail about all things sci-fi.  While the focus is primarily on books, enthusiasm about everything from tv shows to video games is encouraged!  If it’s sci-fi, we want to hear about it!  Those who’d like to participate can sign-up with the form provided at the link above.

As for me, I’m mainly using Sci-Fi Month as motivation to dive into my backlist of books.  I have a healthy mixture of things that fallen through the cracks in the last few years, from new releases by favorite sci-fi authors, to STAR WARS tie-ins, to 2019 releases I just haven’t had time for.  Below is the tasting menu I’ve decided on.  I won’t get to all of these, but these are the books I really, REALLY have been wanting to read, and now I have an excuse!  This may change over the next few weeks, but either way, it’s a list of books that are calling for me to read them.

Want to read any of these?  Covers link to Goodreads!

Backlist Catch-Up

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The first book in a new trilogy featuring gunrunner-turned-empress Hail Bristol.  I got this for Christmas last year and somehow haven’t had the time to read it.  But with the second book coming out in December 2019, I need to make time – now!

BINTI: HOME by Nnedi Okorafor
I read the first book in this novella trilogy last year and really enjoyed its exploration of a character trying to balance honoring the traditions of her people while exploring new worlds and questing for new knowledge.  I’d love to continue on and read at least the sequel this month (or maybe finish the trilogy!)

LOST STARS by Claudia Gray
After absolutely loving what Gray did for Leia Organa Solo in the STAR WARS book BLOODLINE, I’ve been wanting to check out her earlier STAR WARS work, a YA romance called LOST STARS.  This features a Rebel and an Imperial soldier who grew up together who now face each other from opposite ends of the battle field.

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I really liked the first two books in the loosely connected WAYFARERS series, and bought the third book last year. This time around, we follow human space colonists who are ending their generations long journey to a new home.  Becky Chambers has a flair for writing about groups of people who come to work together, and I’m excited to check this out!

This sci-fi YA thriller is a sequel I’ve been trying to get to for the last few months, and I’m hoping to squeeze it in now.  100 years in the future, a thousand-story skyscraper has been built that is literally its own city.  People live and work inside, without ever needing to leave the building. This sequel follows a group of teenagers dealing with the ramifications of a death at the end of book one, THE THOUSANDTH FLOOR.  Book one was full of soapy YA drama that I’m not usually here for, but for some reason I couldn’t put it down.  Now for consequences!

THE STARS ARE LEGION by Kameron Hurley
Let’s hear it for standalone novels! This space opera has the usual fare: war, love, betrayal, dying ships.  But it also features an all female cast — if I remember what I’ve heard correctly, there isn’t a male to be found in this universe!  Hurley’s work is known for being a bit weird but wonderful, so it goes on the list!


SPACE OPERA by Catherynne M. Valente
Confession time: I’ve never watched Eurovision.  In fact, I’d never heard of it until reading the synopsis for this book, which said it was inspired by Eurovision.  So after accepting that there was this whole international singing competition that somehow hadn’t made its way to my American ears, I found myself intrigued by the concept of SPACE OPERA.  Imagine, if you will, an interGALACTIC singing competition.  One where winning proves you belong amongst the sentient races, and losing means they might just wipe your race from existence.

2019 Releases

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I got this book at SDCC 2018 and was so excited to read it and then I…never did.  That changes this month!  I’m determined to read this space opera political murder mystery before 2019 comes to an end, and Sci-Fi Month is here to help!

THE TOLL by Neal Stephenson
The third and final book in the ARC OF THE SCYTHE trilogy releases in November! I LOVE this YA trilogy which envisions a world where technology has essentially eliminated death.  In such a world, population control is still necessary, so a handful of humans are designated Scythes, tasked with randomly “reaping” people.  This series so easily could have been trite, but instead it’s been a gripping exploration of the consequences of removing death from the world and what that does to humanity’s psyche.  Book 2 ended on a doozy of a cliffhanger, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to get my hands on this last book in time for Sci-Fi Month!  (Come on library waitlist, don’t fail me now).

AURORA RISING by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
These two authors are on my “I should read their works at some point but I haven’t yet” list.  I haven’t read ILLUMINAE, NEVERNIGHT, or any other works by these prolific writers, but that may change in November!  A YA tale about a group of misfit space cadets who get thrust into a galaxy-saving adventure seems like a good place to start reading this author, no?

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RESISTANCE REBORN by Rebecca Roanhorse
Ever since I heard that the author of one of my favorite books from the last few years, TRAIL OF LIGHTNING, was writing a STAR WARS book, I have been dancing with anticipation.  RESISTANCE REBORN releases in November and is a bridge novel between THE LAST JEDI and upcoming THE RISE OF SKYWALKER.  I’m letting myself splurge and buy the hardcover, and as I need to read it before THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, why not fit it in this month?

SALVAGED by Madeline Roux
This a sci-fi horror tale, about a woman working as a space janitor who arrives to clean up another research expedition gone wrong, only to find that the crew on the ship is not dead.  Instead, they’ve been taken over by an alien parasite.  It’s up to the woman and the captain of the ship to find a way to contain and defeat the problem before all of humanity is threatened.

There you have it, my tentative list of books I’d love to read during Sci-Fi Month!  Have you read any of these or excited to read them for yourself?  Let me know – and let me know if you’re going to be joining in the fun for Sci-Fi Month!

33 thoughts on “Sci-Fi Month 2019 TBR

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  1. This looks like a great TBR, I hope you enjoy Record of a Spaceborn Few! Haha Eurovision is so much fun – I really should give Space Opera a try myself, and I’ve heard so many good things about Neal Shusterman’s books that I need to read something of his soon. I hope you have a great Sci Fi Month!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hadn’t heard of a lot of these and now of course I want to read them 🙃 I didn’t think SPACE OPERA sounded that interesting until you mentioned the losers could be eradicated and now I need it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Can’t wait for The Toll!!! I wasn’t planning on doing anything special for Sci-Fi month, but this has me thinking…. I do have quite a few sci-fis on my shelf that would be great to knock out! Artemis, Do You Dream of Terra-Two, and Recursion are probably my top three….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great list! I just decided to try and participate this time around (we’ll see how it goes, I am notoriously awful at following TBRs). I am really looking forward to your thoughts on these books. Also, I really need to finally get to Space Opera because Eurovision in space? I get giddy everytime I think about the premise and then just don’t pick the book up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I get to even half the books on this TBR, I will be stoked! Still might have to revise over the next week for review commitments, but I figured these were all good books to look forward to anyway! Hope you have time for Sci-fi Month!


      1. Yes, exactly! Though, I have to get caught up on my all overdue ARCs to. *hides in shame*

        (I seriously cannot wait to see what you think of Kings of the Wyld! I really hope you like it!)

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I like your TBR – you have a mix of old and new fiction. I am seeing A Memory Called Empire on plenty of TBRs this month. I should pick up a copy soon. I also want to read Stars Are Legion and Scythe.


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