Weekly Reading Check-In: 11/20/19

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

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Currently Reading: THERE BEFORE THE CHAOS by K.B. Wagers and BINTI: HOME by Nnedi Okorafor
So excited to be reading the next adventure of Hail Bristol!  I’ve had this book sitting on my shelf since last Christmas, so thanks to Sci-Fi Month for giving an extra push to finally read this!  After finally reclaiming her throne, Hail has to look to relations with nearby alien races, whose wars might be spilling onto her borders.  I also started BINTI: HOME, due to an unfortunate day where I left my book at home when I went to work.  As it’s a novella, I shall hopefully have this done in short order!

Recently Finished Reading: THE DAZZLING HEIGHTS by Katharine McGee
This was a fun “sci-fi lite” read, another entry into the overly dramatic of the uber rich teens who live in the Tower, a thousand story skyscraper in New York, built 1000 years from now.  My full review is here, but the TLDR is that, for better and for worse, it was more of the same from book one: lots of soapy drama and murder!

Probable Next Read: THE TOLL by Neal Schusterman
And now, for an incredibly rare sight, Caitlin is finishing a trilogy!  The final book in the ARC OF A SCYTHE series was released this month, and my library copy just became ready.  Book 2, THUNDERHEAD, ended on a hell of a cliffhanger, and I believe there’s a time jump between the two books.  I cannot wait to see what’s in store for Rowan, Citra and Grayson.  After this, I’m probably diving back into the ARC pile, we’ll see which book I choose next!

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