Top Five Tuesday: Books I Want to Re-Read

The problem with there being so many good new books coming out is that it makes it so very hard to not feel guilty when you go back and re-read something.  After all, you’ve already got that experience in your brain, shouldn’t you be using your time to read something new? But let’s be real, there are many books we’d give anything so that we can experience the feels all over again.  So for this week’s Top Five Tuesday, hosted by Bionic Book Worm, I’m making a list of some of the books I desperately would like to go back and read, if only I had the time.

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The problem with me wanting to reread THE DRESDEN FILES is that I wouldn’t stop at one book, I would want to reread ALL of them.  All FIFTEEN of them.  This is a series near and dear to my heart, with humor, action, and heart-break, and some of the best character arc payoffs I’ve ever seen in a series.  With the long-delayed sixteenth book FINALLY on the horizon, I’ve never wanted to reread a series more.

HARRY POTTER by J.K. Rowling
I’ve already re-read many of these books in my lifetime, but I haven’t returned to the series since DEATHLY HALLOWS released, and that book I read only once. With more than a decade between me and my last reading of this series, I’ve been curious about revisiting this piece of my nerd soul, one of the most influential series I read growing up.

This is a lesser known sci-fi book, one where three different civilizations at three different stages in development come crashing into each other as the fate of a planet is decided.  The most advanced of these civilizations is trying to aid the least advanced in as subtle a manner as possible – and that means sending an envoy to appear as a mythical woman from legend.  This book is beautifully written and broke my heart, but I haven’t read it since high school and would love to experience it again.

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CROWN DUEL by Sherwood Smith
This book is really two in one, and while the first half is a more traditional “lead the rebellion to overthrow the evil king” type of adventure, the second half is a court romance, where fans are used to add subtext to conversations and letters with an anonymous courtier can lead to romance.  If you have swooned to PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, this is the book for you!  My sister liked it so much she stole my copy and I haven’t replaced it, though I certainly should….

HEIR TO THE EMPIRE by Timothy Zahn
Although this trilogy is now no longer canon, to me it was THE story of what happened to Luke, Leia and Han after RETURN OF THE JEDI.  I read the first book in the series so many time the family copy is literally falling apart. It’s been years since I’ve spent time with Mara Jade and Talon Karde and Jorus C’Baoth, though thankfully Zahn has been able to write some newer books to return Grand Admiral Thrawn to the fold.

So what books will you reread as soon as you get the chance?

10 thoughts on “Top Five Tuesday: Books I Want to Re-Read

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  1. Before I started blogging I would reread the Harry Potter books every time a new one came out, but I’ve only read the last one once too. That would be fun to revisit all those memories!

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  2. Heir to the Empire and all those books should be canon and toss the newer movies out the window! I still remember standing in a bookstore reading a bit of this and how wonderful it was to know we would be reading more about these people. Mara rocks!!

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    1. So many of these are full series that I’d love to reread that it really makes it difficult to find the time, as much as I know I would DEVOUR things like The Dresden Files. Maybe when we actually get a date on Peace Talks I’ll make myself do it!

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      1. yeah, a few months ago his team posted that he had returned to writing after some personal things (like marrying and moving states) interfered and that he was deep into it. I’m betting we see something early 2020.

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