Top Five Tuesday: Books from My 2019 TBRs I Haven’t Read Yet (Part 2)

This week, Bionic Book Worm is asking what books we’re excited to read RIGHT NOW.  Let’s be real, the answer is clearly “all of them” but I’ve decided to narrow the field to books that I was SUPPOSED to have read already this year, but for one reason or another haven’t.  I did one of these lists a few weeks ago, but wouldn’t you know,  I have enough books that qualify for a whole other list!  My plan is to try and tackle as many of these in December, before the new year begins and we start all over adding new books to my shelves.  So without further ado, books that I really really want to read right away!

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KINGS OF THE WYLD by Nicholas Eames
I have heard nothing but good things about the two books set in this world, where mercenary groups are treated like rock bands and have groupies and literally have to “get the band back together” to go rescue someone they know.  I’ve been hoping to have time to get to this by the end of the year and then get to BLOODY ROSE in early 2020.

WAR STORM by Victoria Aveyard
This is my big shame.  I very much enjoyed the RED QUEEN series, but for a myriad of reasons (the wait at my library, the length of the book) I didn’t get to the final book when it released, and over a year later, I STILL haven’t gotten to it.  It bugs me that I’ve left one book unread in this series, and by Jove I WILL FINISH IT THIS YEAR.

GREY SISTER by Mark Lawrence
I read RED SISTER earlier this year, and really enjoyed it!  It was an immersive read with some intriguing world building, and I’m curious where things go in the next book.  I’m trying harder to continue with series I start (especially

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I picked this book up in a Black Friday sale last year, put it on my TBR for January and then….everything got away from me and it never made a TBR again.  This sounds so up my alley, court politics and magic and musketeers and women out to thwart assassination plots!  I’d love to read this a chance and stop it from just languishing where it is.

THE MERCIFUL CROW by Margaret Owen
I lucked out and snagged an ARC of this at SDCC, but my summer was so packed with ARCs from Netgalley and publishers that I didn’t get to read this one!  Three people including an undertaker and a body guard become embroiled in a conspiracy when the Crown Prince fakes his death. This is part one of a duology and I’ve been very intrigued to read it!

EDGEDANCER by Brandon Sanderson
Bonus entry!  This wasn’t of my TBRs, but is part of my overall commitment to reading series from start to finish.  EDGEDANCER is next in THE STORMLIGHT ARCHIVES series, a bit of a spinoff and technically entry 2.5.  Clocking in at a measly 272 pages (compared to the 1000+ of the regular installments), I’d like to squeeze this by the end of the year, before finally turning my attention to OATHBRINGER.  I’m walking a fine line for timing, as I want to read all the currently released books in the series while things are still relatively fresh in my head, but try and not put toooo big a gap between book 3 and eventual book 4, which will likely release in 2021.

And those are the books I want to read right away!  What’s on your list?

19 thoughts on “Top Five Tuesday: Books from My 2019 TBRs I Haven’t Read Yet (Part 2)

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  1. I really need to pick up kings of the wyld as well! I hope you can read them all sometime soon!
    Currently I really want to read Words of radiance!


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  2. I still need to read Kings of the Wyld – if you’re planning on picking it up you could let me know and I’ll try and join you – no pressure of course, just good to chat along the way sometimes – share wtf moments.
    Lynn 😀

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  3. *chants KINGS OF THE WYLD quietly from the deep*

    I also really want to read ALCHEMY OF MASQUES AND MIRRORS. Like, really badly. I just need to get myself a copy of it and hopefully I be reading that one sooner rather than later!

    Liked by 1 person

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