Weekly Reading Check-In: 01/29/20

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Time for another weekly check-in using WWW Wednesday, a meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Want to participate?  Simply answer the three questions below and tag the host site!  Book covers link to Goodreads.

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

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Currently Reading: THE WOLF OF OREN-YARO by K.S. Villoso
How excited am I to read this book?  My review copy arrived in the mail and I started reading it that night.  This fantasy novel is first in a new series and follows a warrior queen who becomes stranded in a rival country after a failed attempt on her life.  I am HERE for kick-ass women with swords and hope this will live up to my hype!  I’m barely 10% in, so no formed opinions yet.  Stay tuned!

Recently finished: FORTUNA by Kristyn Merbeth and MORODA by L.L. McNeil
FORTUNA was a space opera released in November 2019 and I have just now had time to get to my review copy.  Yikes!  I found this one a fun space adventure, bogged down by characters I just could not get behind.  My full thoughts are here!  After that I picked up my first self-published fantasy for the year, MORODA.  Sadly, after 30% I decided this one was not working for me and made the decision to DNF.

Probable Next Read: MASTER OF SORROWS by Justin T. Call
February has a lot of anticipated releases, and that includes the US release of MASTER OF SORROWS!  This features your traditional “orphan boy has surprising magical gift,” except this time around, he might actually be the villain of the story.  I’ve heard a lot of good things about this one, and am looking forward to reading and reviewing!

What are the rest of you reading this week?

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