January 2021 Book Haul

After the bounteous month of December (and Christmas presents) I’m back to a more quiet haul for the month of January. Given that I want to read more backlist this year (especially from the many, MANY books unread on my shelves), I’m actually glad that the haul remains small! Even better, all the books I picked up this month are sequels, so my Great Series Read Progress will continue!



Last year, I read THE THIEF WHO PULLED ON TROUBLE’S BRAID as part of Self-Published Fantasy Month, and really enjoyed it. A typical premise of a thief who gets pulled into events way over her head still managed to pack quite a wallop – and in less than 200 pages no less! I want to continue with these books, so I might be saving my monthly self-published read slot for this series, we’ll see! THE THIEF WHO SPAT IN LUCK’S GOOD EYE is the second book and a hopeful contender for my February 2021 TBR. It finds thief Amra and mage Holgren on a quest to find a fabled city that might hold the key to immortality.

Review Copies

  52741029._sy475_  Out Past the Stars

RAVENCALLER by David Daglish
I picked up book one to this series, SOUL KEEPER, last year, after seeing several rave reviews for the series overall. While I found the first book solid, I thought that maybe it wasn’t for me and I wouldn’t continue onwards. And yet, I kept finding myself thinking about that world and wondering what was happening next, and I realized it had wormed its way under my skin more than I thought. With the trilogy finale coming out in February, I reached out to Orbit to see if there was any chance for a review copy of the second book, and they obliged! I’ve got this slated for a March read, so stand by for more thoughts down the road.

At last, the final book in the second Hail Bristol trilogy is here! THE FARIAN WAR trilogy has been a much different beast than the original INDRANAN WAR series, but I’ve still enjoyed it. The second book, DOWN AMONG THE DEAD, pushed Hail into a dark place, forcing her to deal with the trauma and depression of comes with being a leader and the kind of person who desperately wants to keep her friends and subjects safe. After going through the grinder, though, Hail is ready to do battle with just about everyone, and the book ended on a cliff hanger that will be concluded in this last book. Let’s go Gunrunner Empress!

And that’s the haul this month. Did you snag anything you’re excited about?

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