Top Five Tuesday: Series I Need To Finish

I am feeling VERY called out by this week’s Top Five Tuesday.  Bionic Book Worm wants us to list series we need to finish and I have….a lot.  And what’s worse is that I looked back at a Top Ten Tuesday I wrote almost a year ago about series I wanted to catch up on and…most of them still belong on the list.  I’m going to try and list some new entries here, as I’ve started some new series in the interim (because of course I have).  I actually have an ongoing list of series I’m committed to reading, you can see my progress here!

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This was an entry on my “Need to Finish” list last year and I…still need to finish the series.  HOWEVER.  I took the step of actually rereading the first book in the trilogy, and I’ve got book 2 squarely in my sights for September, so I’m hoping to make good on actually finishing this trilogy by the end of the year!  This is a soapy futuristic YA thriller following a group of teens living in a thousand-floor sky scraper whose lives come crashing together the night someone falls to their death from the top of the building.

Some good news here, this used to be in my “Series I Need to Start” section, and now it’s in the “Need to Finish” pile!  These books are so massive that I’m intentionally spreading out reading them.  It doesn’t help that the series isn’t actually finished yet, with only three out of a hopeful ten released.  I’ve read the first two of this epic fantasy, with definite plans to get to the next book and/or the novella by the end of the year.

This fantasy trilogy about a young girl being trained at a school for assassins concluded this year, and around the same time I won copies of the first two books in a drawing!  I really enjoyed the first book of the series, and only an overwhelming TBR has stopped me from getting  to book two.  My hope is to read GREY SISTER by the end of the year, then pick up the mass market paperback version of the book when it releases next spring (because dang it, my books WILL be on my shelves in the same format, thank you very much).

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STAR WARS Canon by Various
I’m putting this broad category on the list because there are still several releases from this year alone that I want to buy and read, not least of which is MASTER & APPRENTICE by Claudia Gray, which is a story about Qui-gon and Obi-Wan that is supposed to be stellar.  I’m also very intrigued by ALPHABET SQUADRON, which kicked off a new trilogy set in the post-Return of the Jedi era.

HAIL BRISTOL by K. B. Wagers
This one is a little bit of a cheat, but it is near and dear to my heart so I’m putting it on the list!  I have technically finished the original INDRANAN WAR trilogy featuring Hail Bristol, a gun-runner forced to come home to rule an empire when her family suffers a series of assassinations.  Hail’s adventures recently continued in a new trilogy, the FARIAN WAR, book one of which has been sitting on my shelf unread since last Christmas.  I’m making it a priority read for Sci-Fi Month in November, especially as book two will be released in December!

And that’s my (very abbreviated) list of series I need to finish!  What’s a series you really want to tackle?  I’d love to hear!

17 thoughts on “Top Five Tuesday: Series I Need To Finish

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      1. I’m going to date myself here by like, a LOT, but I got Lost Stars confused with Star by Star and was gonna be like THAT BOOK DESTROYED ME. But nope. Over a ten year publishing gap between the two and now I feel r e a l l y old.

        It’s just so hard to keep up when it feels like a new one releases every month AND they keep getting such amazing authors 😍

        Liked by 1 person

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